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Harcourt Primary Governing Body

The governors are a group of individuals, made up of parents, staff, members of the community (co-opted) and the Local Authority. Governors typically serve for four years, and will have a variety of responsibilities during this time. An effective governing body will have people from different backgrounds with mixed skills. Governors are not education experts – they are there to bring a fresh perspective.

The role of the governing body is a strategic one. Its key functions are to:

  • Set aims and objectives for the school.
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Set targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives.
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the head teacher.

At Harcourt Primary School, the Governing Body follows the Circle Model of Governance, which means the responsibilities are shared equally, and all decisions are made by the Governing Body as a whole.  Please click on the link below for further information relating to the GB Terms of Reference.

The number of governors on the governing body is determined by the Instrument of Government.  This is reviewed regularly to ensure the number of governors available are able to fulfil their responsibilities. 

Parent Governors are nominated and voted into place by parents of children on roll.  The Staff Governor is either a member of the teaching or support teams voted in by the staff.  Partnership Governors are nominated by parents and are people from the community served by the school who are required to have the necessary skills to fulfil the roll and will complement the existing members of the governing body.   Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body.  Candidates will either have the identified skills or are willing to attend training to gain those skills.   Local Authority Governors are nominated by the governing board and, following agreement of the Local Authority will be appointed at the next governing body meeting. 

Should you wish to contact any member of the governing body, please make contact via Clerk, Mr A Barber via the school office.